Foul Language In A Muslims Life ? In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate "What the ----------!" "Hey you, ----------, how are you?" "Where in the -------- have you been?" If you listen to the conversation of the average Muslim youth talking to each other, unfortunately this is what you will hear.......expletives, bad words and cusses. In fact, foul language is often heard as part of their everyday life at school, universities and work place. Whats worse is that they use these words without thinking.....without remorse and without even realizing that these words are obscene, filthy or repulsive....using four letter words in every sentence and in every conversation. Using the words hell and calling each other dog and gay like its nothing. And these are some of the more decent words. There are other, much worse words that are totally unmentionable. May Allaah protect us. These people, like their non-Muslim peers,...